Thursday, October 30, 2008


Last Sunday it was all 4-H. We had a local club meeting that I am co-leader of. It was the annual elections and by-law review meeting. It is always a long meeting and can be kind of stressful, but the club is moving along so smoothly my co-leader and partner in crime and I rarely have to step in to say anything. That makes it really nice, and some of the parents have even started to notice how smoothly the officers are handling issues.

That evening was another 4-H meeting on a county level, in which I am the president of the association. That meeting went really well, and I was pleased to see a nice turn out of local leaders and a new level of involvement in an organization that has been sliding for awhile.

Our local schools are out today and tomorrow for teachers conferences. It is a nice break for both the teachers and the kids. Since we had this scheduled break our 4-H club went to a corn maze last night. It was a lot of fun and all the kids had a blast. I brought our walkie talkies and had fun talking between cars and inside the maze as we tried to figure our way out. We went after dark and I think that just added to the excitement.

Tonight is a hay ride for FFA that Jack will take N and her friends to. S on the other hand will likely be at her grandma's because her youngest cousin is in town for a few days. So that leaves me at home with a pot of chili a good bottle of wine and my 4-H co-leader to discuss the upcoming 4-H year and plan for events etc. (and yes I DO bleed 4-H green)

Tomorrow is my birthday. We plan on finally fixing the corner post in the horse field and head out for supper in the evening.

Currently the horses are across the street doing their best to collect every burr imaginable. Each morning when I go out to feed, I pick burs from their mane and tails only to have to do it again the next day. I think it really bothers them, especially Gunner and Classy who are SO appreciative to be burr free. Classy is a bit depressed with the loss of Emmett, so I pay extra attention to her and give her extra hugs and scratches.

Yesterday Jack turned our bull Atlas out with the horses for the winter. They have not been together before, so we have been laughing at their antics. Atlas probably weighs about a ton, but those horses definitely rule the pasture.


Callie said...

Happy Birthday! I would love to see the horses pushing the bull around! LOL

Rising Rainbow said...

Wow, you have a lot on your plate! I knew you did lots of stuff with the kids but I didn't realize you were that involved. Good for you.

Hope your birthday was happy and special!

photogchic said...

Happy belated birthday...hope your family spoiled you.

Beth said...

Hope you had a great birthday and anniversary! You are one busy lady!!!

next time you are down this way you will have to come meet my ponies. Roo loves to ham it up for new people!