Sunday, June 08, 2008


Aluminum foal shoes.

I think we got over 5 inches of rain yesterday. A tornado touched down just north and south of us. Just north and south meaning within 5 miles either way. We have one branch off our hickory down, and our hay fields are flattened but otherwise we are okay. Blessed to have a roof over our heads. A bit of water in the basement, but we are dealing with that easily.

Here are some long awaited pictures of Emmett's hooves. The first ones are at three weeks.

I'm not sure he is doing any better today than the day they put his shoes on. Thursday we take him back down to be evaluated again and the experts can tell me what they think. My guess is it will involve more radiographs to truly tell.
Each day I have been giving him pain medication to help ease the stretching and today was the first off day. Tomorrow he gets the medication again and then off again. Thursday when we take him in he will be off and will be able to show them exactly how he feels.

Do you know how hard it is to contain your energy when you are confined to a 12x16 stall all day. I've been bitten kicked and snorted at every time I go out. Poor little bugger just can't contain himself. He got me good today, ran up and took a nip before I could stop him. For the first time he actually got some flesh! OOOOHHH he made me mad! I've taken to having one of the girls stand in the stall with me while I clean it out to keep him distracted. Otherwise he's on top of me or the rake or running and kicking at me. Taking pictures is nearly impossible!

Don't worry I don't take it out on him, he can't help himself. I don't let him get away with nipping me, but he's not being punished horribly either. He definately knows he shouldn't be doing it though.


Callie said...

Oh dear, I totally se your concern over this little boy. I've never seen anything like that before. I hear ya on the weather, us too and here it comes again!

Beth said...

My fingers are crossed that the shoes are working...hopefully they will have good news for you on Thursday!

Rising Rainbow said...

Oh, those feet do not look good. It will be interesting to see if they can fix them with shoes.

I totally understand how keeping poor Emmett cooped up is pushing his little limits. I had to do that with my twins for six long months. With the twins, I decided to work on in hand lessons during their stall rest. That gave them something to use their little brains and it actually helped to wear them out. I taught them to give to pressure,lead, turn on the forehand and the haunches, to back, clip and give up their space to any human who wanted it. It tuckered them out, taught them manners and kept them manageable. Also gave them so much needed attention, which was part of their problem being cooped up.

Donna said...

I'm sorry your journey with the little colt has not been a smooth one. But you cannot blame yourself for what you did or did not do with the mare. Sometimes things happen for no reason, and you are giving him all the care and love you can. He's lucky to have you.