Friday, April 11, 2008

She's killing me

Classy was all waxed up for the last three days. Today? Nothing.

Spent well over an hour pitching straw out of her pen. It rained horribly yesterday, and is supposed to continue today. Well, actually it IS continuing today.

Nice lovely flower growing HORIZONTAL rain. Classy and Lloyd were huddled into the last three feet of the shed trying to keep dry yesterday. At least the rain seems a little more vertical today. I put a light layer of straw down, because after two weeks of thinking she was close I officially HAVE NO CLUE!

Her milk did go from clear to cloudy on Wednesday, so she really, really is getting closer...but when? WHEN!! I can't take this!


photogchic said...

Tonight's the night!! I got $5 on it:-) Can't wait to see baby photos.

Rising Rainbow said...

It'll probably get more than cloudy, more like snowy white before she goes. She might even stream milk first. Hang in there, it'll get here when it's ready and not before. And I'm keeping my money, no betting on mares here! lol