Friday, September 28, 2007

Procrastination Friday


Everyday is procrastination day, but Friday especially so, because it is the day I dedicate to cleaning.

So, here's some photos instead from morning chores.

Gunner is home as of yesterday. He is trying to work his way back into the herd, but seems to be sitting smack dab at the bottom. As soon as Dixie goes out of heat he can be buds with Catfish, but until then he will have to be ignored. At least there were no fresh battle scars.

Here's a picture of the gang waiting for me to open the gate.

Catfish especially can get quite pushy when it's gate opening time. Overnight I keep them off the pond pasture to try to control their weight. Classy and Dixie are both too heavy right now.

Our ducks are now full sized. Every third day or so I fill their water tank and let it overflow for them to play in. The ponds are just a short jaunt away but they haven't figured that out yet. They have been working on flying and Chloe in particular practices flying from the round bale left in our yard and the top of the swing set. In these set of photos they are vying for best mud spots. Chloe is the one with the wings outstretched.

Bart our barn cat (Black Bart from A Christmas Story) followed me down to the gate when I let the horses out. He had already been fed, so I think he was looking for a good scratching.

This is a shot looking east off our front portico. The days are warm the nights crisp and the leaves are turning. It's just beautiful out. I hope you all have a great weekend.


Tracey said...

Ooooo....I love procrastination Friday! Unfortunately, the horses become upset if I procrastinate too long with breakfast...

Anonymous said...

You live in paradise! How absolutely beautiful. You are not procrastinating. You are LIVING!

Have a great weekend!

Rising Rainbow said...

I can procrastinate any day of the week, but Friday works well for me. lol

That must be some sight, the ducks trying to fly from the top of the swings.

Anonymous said...

The photos are great as is great that your ducks made it to full grown!

Tammy Cutsforth said...

UMMMMM how are you going to eat ducks with names?????

Their brothers and sisters are trying fly at our house too - they like to run down the driveway between the house and the barn and take off when they reach the bottom - there has been several almost crashes with the ducks coming out of the barn... ha ha..