Sunday, April 13, 2008

The Results

Hollywood Hotrod


Classy Peavy


Sometime between my 1:00 check and 3:00 check he arrived. Yes! A colt!

Tentative names are:
Hollywood Twister
barn name: Emmett


Beth said...

YEAH! Congratulations!!!!!

How about A Classic Hotrod?

I love Emmit as a barn name!

Kathy C said...

Thanks Beth.

I thought of A Classic Hotrod also.

Right now the debate is whether we use Emmett or Payden for a barn name. Emmett is winning out.

Also, I'm confused by his coloring, but I guess time will tell...I expected dark around his eyes and it's pinkish.

Callie said...

OMG! Congrats! What a cutie, he's finally here! He looks like his mama!

Anonymous said...


I go for "Peevish Hollywood", Peeves for short.


Trail Riding Cowgirl said...

Congrats! What a cutie pie. If he is light around the eyes he may shed off to a lighter color, so hard to tell till they lose the baby fuzz. Enjoy!

KathyK said...

Awwwwww - beautiful! Congratulations. What a wonderful conclusion to your long wait.

Rising Rainbow said...

Congratulation! I'm glad your wait is over and all went well.

He is light (enemic looking) around his eyes because he is red (chestnut or sorrel). Red foals are born without pigmentation around their eyes and mouth, it will darken up soon. Some do it within hours of birth, others take a few days.

KinnicChick said...

So cute! Congratulations!

Feeling very late to the party... :)

photogchic said...

Cute little guy---I guess I am out $5:-) I like "Hollywood Peeves" there is a "Peeves" in the Harry Potter series...he is a mischievous ghost that is always getting into trouble:-)

Deana said...

He is sooooo cute!