Wednesday, August 02, 2006

They're fine...Don't worry

On Friday we went to pick up N at camp. S and I stayed over at my sister-in-laws. On Saturday, as we were driving home, I called The Man to check in.

I asked him as I always do, how are the horses? It has become a need of mine to check in on them when I am away. I don't travel often, but when I do, I obsess about my babes.

His answer this time was: They must be good, they didn't come up to eat. I saw them in the field, grazing, so I left them alone.

Sigh.... I told N and S, hmmm I wonder if the horses are okay, they didn't come up to eat.

N immediately said: Now I know you are going to worry about them, they are FINE. We'll be home soon. Don't worry.

So, I kept my worries to myself. I had just turned them on to a larger pasture, maybe they were foundered...unable to stumble their way to the barn. Maybe one of them had found some old wire and slashed its leg open...the others were too kind hearted to leave it...maybe...maybe...

Yeah. Right. We arrived home and I wolf called them up. Kelzon galloped all the way up and neighed to tell me "THE MAN DIDN'T FEED US!" lol. No, petting please, just feed me!

I remembered then that most nights I wolf call them up. They don't wander too far away, but they are usually grazing when it's super time.

This weekend we will be gone for four days to Niagra Falls for a mini family vacation. My father in law will be tending the horses. I will pre-measure my special concoctions and have it all layed out for him. I also will wonder and worry and think about them for most of the trip.

It must be love.


Anonymous said...

I too worry to death when I am gone (and that means I am rarely gone).

and I only have 1 to care for.

what would I be like with more? :-P

try and have a good time.

Anonymous said...

I go through those same types of thought processes too. Once when my parents were visiting and my dad volunteered to feed the horses for me that morning, he fed them straw! I guess he didn't know the difference. So I had five pretty pissed off equines when I went down to feed them their dinner that evening.

Have a nice trip.


Elizabeth said...

Yes, sounds like love to me. I worry about Lulu when I'm gone. The other night I had to work late and I was so worried about her I gave my keys to a coworker that wasn't staying late so he could check on her.

Anonymous said...

It is love.

They are magnificant! I love them.