Saturday, July 29, 2006


My dear friend


At500 Miles to No Where is blogging her heart out trying to raise money for her local Relay for Life team.

If you get a chance in the next little bit stop over and see her. She's posting every 1/2 hour for 24 hours - all to raise money for the ACS (American Cancer Society) and Relay for Life.

She has a heart bigger than the state of Wisconsin. Which is prettty big...not the size of Texas, but for those of us who, every once in awhile, drive across it...pretty big!

A heart so big the girl took time out of what surely was the busiest week of her life to make sure my horses had hay when we were at horse camp. Serious. Big. Heart.

Stop in and tell her I said ....yo! And if you have some spare change that you would like to donate to a worty cause, consider Keri...if you get there after the fact, consider contributing anyway!

1 comment:

KinnicChick said...

Aw girl. You rock. Seriously. Thank you.

Big smooches. Love you, Kath...